Our approach

CEPI seeks to build on the innovations and learnings from the COVID-19 pandemic and take the threat of future epidemics and pandemics off the table.

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Ending pandemics

CEPI has a bold plan to tackle the risk of epidemics and pandemics, potentially averting millions of deaths and trillions of dollars in economic damage.

CEPI is working to substantially reduce global epidemic and pandemic risk by delivering innovative, access-focussed R&D programmes that help the world accelerate the development of safe, effective and globally accessible vaccines to 100 days—referred to as the 100 Days Mission.

That’s a little over three months from the recognition of the threat to a vaccine being ready for initial authorisation and manufacturing at scale.

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Advancing vaccine R&D and manufacturing innovations

CEPI works with innovators and entrepreneurs from around the world to speed up innovations in R&D and manufacturing for vaccines against viral pathogens with epidemic or pandemic potential, including currently unknown viruses—known as Disease X. 

The innovations that CEPI supports will help the world better prepare for future viral threats and advance progress towards the 100 Days Mission.

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Our focus on partnerships

As a globally recognised organising force for R&D collaboration and innovation, CEPI is uniquely placed to coordinate an international approach to epidemic and pandemic preparedness.

With a proven track record and extensive partnerships, CEPI offers a global focus on equitable access and the agility to move quickly. 

We leverage our unique connecting role—as a coalition of vaccine developers, manufacturers, sovereign governments, philanthropies, civil society and global health organisations—and extensive networks to pool and deploy resources in ways that nation states often cannot. 

CEPI is building broader and deeper partnerships across the ecosystem to help us advance our strategic objectives and scale impact across R&D, manufacturing and pandemic preparedness policy.

Central to our approach to partnerships is engagement with stakeholders and partners in the Global South. We are increasing our presence in Global South regions and building deeper engagement through the programmes and activities we fund, convene, and implement.

Partner with us
Circular diagram labelling different CEPI partners

Enabling equitable access

A commitment to equitable access is inscribed in CEPI’s DNA and informs every aspect of our work. It is core to CEPI’s vision of a world in which epidemics and pandemics are no longer a threat to humanity. CEPI take a systems approach to equitable access, seeking to enable equitable access within a broad ecosystem of national and international public and private sector partners and networks. We work towards this goal by enabling equitable access directly through financial investments and partnerships, and indirectly through advocacy and policy contributions to the evolving ecosystem.

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A vaccination centre in Ghana with a team of health workers distributing vaccines to women and children
Scanning electron micrograph of Lassa virus budding off a cell

Priority pathogens

CEPI supports the development of vaccines, platform technologies and manufacturing innovations to combat priority pathogens for which no licensed vaccines are currently available.

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A team of scientists working on vaccine creating in a modern laboratory

Research and development

CEPI is leading a broad range of ambitious programmes that aim to substantially reduce global epidemic and pandemic risk.

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