Support CEPI
Join CEPI and help us create a future in which epidemics and pandemics are no longer a threat to humanity.

Preparing for the next pandemic threat
As COVID-19 demonstrated, emerging infectious diseases represent an existential threat to our way of life.
COVID-19 is not the first pandemic of the 21st century, and unless we act now, we can be sure that it will not be the last.
But unlike some of the other big threats that humanity faces, we have the tools to systematically reduce and even eliminate the risk of future pandemics.
It is vital that we capitalise on the rare alignment of political will, practical experience and technical and scientific progress emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic to prevent such devastation happening again.
CEPI’s ambitious strategy seeks to accelerate the time taken to develop safe, effective and globally accessible vaccines against emerging disease outbreaks to within 100 days and build a world that is better prepared for epidemic and pandemic threats.
A track record of innovation
CEPI was set up as a global organisation to carry out critical vaccine R&D into emerging infectious diseases.
It is a cornerstone of international health security—the bedrock upon which national health security depends.
Since its establishment in 2017, CEPI has overseen a number of scientific breakthroughs against epidemic and pandemic threats. These include supporting the development of the first ever licensed Chikungunya vaccine and advancing the first ever Nipah and Lassa vaccines into Phase 2 trials.

CEPI played a pivotal role in the global response to COVID-19, moving quickly to create one of the world’s largest and most diverse portfolios of COVID-19 vaccines, seven of which have been approved for global or domestic use.
COVAX, the global initiative to deliver fair and equitable access to COVID-19 vaccines, was co-led by CEPI alongside WHO, Gavi and UNICEF. COVAX delivered nearly 2 billion doses of vaccines to 146 economies by its closing at the end of December 2023, making it the largest vaccine procurement and supply operation in history. It is estimated to have averted 2.7 million deaths by the end of 2022.
CEPI is one of the world’s leading funders of R&D into broadly protective coronavirus vaccines which could offer protection against future COVID-19 variants and other viruses from the same family.
A commitment to equitable access
A commitment to equitable access informs every aspect of our work.
It is core to CEPI’s vision of a world in which epidemics and pandemics are no longer a threat to humanity.
CEPI take a systems approach to equitable access, seeking to enable equitable access within a broad ecosystem of national and international public and private sector partners and networks.
We work towards this goal by enabling equitable access directly through financial investments and partnerships, and indirectly through advocacy and policy contributions to the evolving ecosystem.

Norway is proud to be a founder of CEPI and proud to host its headquarters. We will continue to support CEPI as an important part of our investment in global pandemic preparedness. So, let’s work together to end future pandemics.

Our Coalition
CEPI includes over 30 national governments, in addition to the European Commission, and philanthropic organisations, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Wellcome.
We are also supported by several private sector organisations.
All investors contributing to CEPI’s funding pool are invited to join our Investors Council, serving as a platform for engagement with other CEPI governance bodies.

The map displays funding commitments pledged by Sovereign governments and philanthropies towards CEPI 2.0. CEPI has also received pledges from additional private investors and philanthropies.
CEPI has helped the global science community do something incredible: develop COVID-19 vaccines in less than a year. With the right support, CEPI will continue to accelerate innovation and achieve breakthroughs, helping ensure that everyone has equitable access to lifesaving vaccines.
Join us in creating a future free from pandemics
The global threat posed by emerging infectious diseases demands a coordinated and collective global response.
Governments, private sector organisations and other initiatives must look to their neighbours, harness each other’s strengths, avoid duplication of efforts, optimise spending, and come together to establish a globally coordinated approach to epidemic and pandemic preparedness and response.
CEPI is the only international body dedicated to epidemic and pandemic R&D and is able to deploy the benefits of its innovations to those people most in need.
To help the world end pandemics, CEPI is harnessing its collaborative power with R&D partners around the globe, to connect the talent, technology, resources, and infrastructure needed to accelerate future vaccine development and strengthen global pandemic preparedness.

By joining this global coalition, Senegal continues to show its commitment in tackling epidemics and pandemics. The Institut Pasteur de Dakar values greatly [its] collaboration with CEPI
Join the coalition
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