Our impact
Since its inception in 2017 CEPI has catalysed action, from product and platform development to enabling sciences and manufacturing innovations, working worldwide to accelerate the development of vaccines for those who need them most. Learn more about our achievements and impact.

Our achievements
CEPI has contributed to world firsts for vaccines against many of its priority pathogens, bringing the prospect of protection against a host of previously neglected infectious diseases closer than ever before. These include the first licensed Chikungunya vaccine, the first ever Lassa fever and MERS vaccines in Phase II trials, and vaccines against Nipah virus and Rift Valley fever that are on the cusp of entering Phase II.
The organisation was among the first funders of COVID-19 vaccines, ultimately building one of the world’s largest portfolios, seven of which were licensed. It conceptualised and co-founded COVAX – another world first – which delivered almost two billion doses of COVID-19 vaccines to 146 countries, saving an estimated 2.7 million lives in the lower income countries eligible for free doses.
CEPI’s network of Global South vaccine manufacturing partners on three continents is helping to boost sustainable vaccine production and outbreak response manufacturing capacity, and its global networks of preclinical facilities and laboratories are ready to rapidly respond to outbreaks close to the source.
And CEPI has leveraged its unique role as a Coalition to galvanize support and drive progress for the 100 Days Mission, which has evolved from a high-level concept just a few years ago to a life-saving pandemic preparedness plan that, today, is embedded into health security strategies around the world.

CEPI-supported vaccine candidates or platform technologies
Nearly 2 billion
COVID-19 doses delivered through COVAX, co-led by CEPI
Governments and philanthropic foundations supporting CEPI
R&D partners collaborating with CEPI
Our Impact Stories
Behind every scientific advance that CEPI supports are teams of passionate scientists, healthcare workers, and frontline workers, who are dedicated to advancing the development of new vaccines to save lives and create a safer world for everyone. Read our impact stories to learn more.

Clinical trials in remote rainforests: how vital Ebola research in DRC enhances local expertise and infrastructure
Prof. Hypolite Muhindo-Mavoko talks about the challenges and rewards that come with conducting vaccine trials for deadly viruses in the isolated city of Boende

“For the entire world”: a Uganda research facility steps up to catch the next pandemic bug
Joining the CEPI-run Centralized Laboratory Network starts a new chapter in the almost century-long history of the illustrious Uganda Virus Research Institute.

From the pain of Ebola to the passion to fight Lassa
"We push ourselves forward in our work because we feel the weight of the Lassa problem and we know the burden of the disease."

The Race to Future-Proof Coronavirus Vaccines
To help humanity get ahead, we need vaccines that provide broad protection against new variants of COVID-19 as well as future coronavirus threats.
Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning
Our 2022-2026 strategy, CEPI 2.0, is supported by three strategic objectives: PREPARE, TRANSFORM and CONNECT.
We monitor and evaluate progress against expected outcomes and outputs for each strategic objective and use these findings to improve our strategy and operations.
Each year, CEPI tracks progress of its accomplishments alongside the new projects and partnerships launched to ensure we remain on track to meet our goals.
All Annual Progress Reports and other independent reviews of our work, such as the independent evaluation of our first five-year strategy, are available on our website.