CEPI Technical Resources Hub
CEPI’s Technical Resources Hub is an open-access platform that aims to equip vaccine researchers, developers and funders with tools, methods, and knowledge to advance epidemic preparedness innovations.
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Objectives of the CEPI Technical Resources Hub
The CEPI Technical Resources Hub is an open-access platform that has been developed by CEPI in collaboration with The Global Health Network. The objectives of the CEPI Technical Resources Hub include—but are not limited to—the provision of expert assistance in the form of clinical-trial tools, training, workshops, and webinars for developers and investigators to enhance vaccine development efforts; enabling open access to data, results and publications arising from research funded by CEPI; and serving as a platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration between vaccine developers, investigational sites, and funding agencies.
Who might benefit from the resources on the hub?
Scientists and vaccine researchers
Scientists and vaccine researchers working on projects within the scope of CEPI-funded projects.
Clinical trial investigators
Investigators working in the disease areas aligned with CEPI’s priority pathogens.
Public-sector and non-governmental institutions
Representatives from public-sector institutions and non-governmental and global health organisations, particularly those in affected countries where CEPI’s partners are operating.
Latest webinars
Check out the latest webinars available via the CEPI Technical Resources Hub. Most recently, CEPI's Rift Valley Fever team provided an overview of what is known about the epidemiology of Rift Valley Fever and where knowledge gaps impede the development of vaccines against this deadly disease.