CEPI Board
CEPI is a Norwegian Association and CEPI’s primary governing body is the CEPI Board. The Board has 12 voting members (four investors and eight independent members representing competencies including industry, global health, science, resource mobilisation, finance) and five observers. The Board is advised on decisions, such as prioritising pathogens and selecting development partners, by our Scientific Advisory Committee.
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Board Voting Members
Find out more about our voting members of the Board.

Prof. Jane Halton
Chair of CEPI Board

Dr. L. Rizka Andalucia
Director-General for Pharmaceutical and Medical Devices, Ministry of Health, Indonesia

Cyrus Ardalan
Chairman of LXI REIT PLC, Trustee of the Charities Aid Foundation Chairing its financial services subsidiary CFSL, and Chairman of Blend Network

Dr. Githinji Gitahi
Group Chief Executive Officer, Amref Health Africa

Prof Dr Veronika Von Messling
Directorate-General of the Life Science Division, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research

Dr David Reddy
Director General, IFPMA and Secretary of the Biopharmaceutical CEO Roundtable

Professor Samba Sow
Director, CVD-Mali
Dr Yasuhiro Suzuki
President, International University of Health and Welfare, Advisor to the Minister of Health, Labour, and Welfare, Government of Japan

Dr Jeanette Vega Morales
Medical Doctor and Pediatrician, University of Chile and Doctor of Public Health, University of Illinois

Alexander Pym
Director of Infectious Disease, Wellcome Trust

Dr Rajeev Venkayya
CEO, Aerium Therapeutics
Board Non-Voting Members
Find out more about our non-voting members of the Board.

Dr Cherry Gagandeep Kang
Director, Enteric, Diagnostics, Genomics and Epidemiology, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; Chair of CEPI's JCG

Dr Emmanuel Hanon
Chief Executive Officer of Vicebio and Chair of CEPI's Scientific Advisory Committee

Juan Pablo Uribe
Global Director for Health, Nutrition and Population, World Bank and Director of the Global Financing Facility

Dr Mike Ryan
Deputy Director General of WHO, Executive Director, Health Emergencies Programme, WHO

Dr Richard Hatchett
Chief Executive Officer
Board Committees
We have four Board Committees; Executive and Investment, Nominations, Compensation, Diversity and Inclusion, Audit and Risk and Equitable Access. Other Board members or experts may be called upon as advisers or observers as needed.

Executive and Investment Committee
CEPI’s Executive and Investment Committee provides strategic guidance to the CEO and acts on behalf of the CEPI Board to support on matters including, but not limited to, responses to arising matters, time-sensitive decisions related to CEPI’s investment portfolio, approval of organizational policies, and ad-hoc funding requests and decisions up to an amount of US$50 million.
Nominations, Compensation, Diversity and Inclusion Committee
The responsibilities of CEPI’s Nominations, Compensation, Diversity and Inclusion Committee include, but are not limited to, the review of total compensation for CEPI employees, nomination of Board Members, and supports CEPI’s work to develop a diverse and inclusive work force.
Audit and Risk Committee
Our Audit and Risk Committee are involved in CEPI’s internal and external audit processes, and consider and monitor potential risks that may impact CEPI.
The Committee also review and monitor CEPI’s budget and financial activities and review and receive reports of activities relating to compliance, whistleblowing and fraud.
Equitable Access Committee
A commitment to equitable access is inscribed in CEPI’s DNA. It is core to CEPI’s vision of a world in which epidemics and pandemics are no longer a threat to humanity. CEPI’s commitment to equitable access informs every aspect of our work and has done so since our very beginnings. CEPI’s approach to enabling equitable access is guided by its Equitable Access Policy, and is overseen by the Equitable Access Committee, a committee of the CEPI Board.