CEPI launches new call for proposals to develop vaccines against novel coronavirus, 2019-nCoV

Update Friday 14 Feb: CEPI's call for proposals to rapidly develop and manufacture a proven vaccine approach that can be used against the COVID-19 virus has now closed.
The deadline for applications was Friday 14 Feb (2020), 15:00 CET.
The rapid global spread and unique epidemiological characteristics of the novel coronavirus, 2019-nCoV — now declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) by the World Health Organization (WHO) — remain deeply concerning.
In coordination with WHO, as it leads the development of a coordinated international response, CEPI is promoting the development of new vaccines against the emerging threat of 2019-nCoV virus.
Last week, we opened a new rolling funding opportunity to rapidly develop and manufacture already proven vaccine technology approaches that can be used against the new coronavirus.
This call aims to complement our newly formed 2019-nCoV vaccine candidate portfolio, which includes four programmes with Inovio, the University of Queensland, Moderna, and CureVac. GSK has also announced that it will make its established pandemic vaccine adjuvant platform technology available to enhance the development of an effective vaccine against 2019-nCoV.
New funding call: Rapid response against novel coronavirus
The new rolling call seeks to fund vaccine technologies which can advance an effective vaccine against the disease — with the aim to develop and test candidates at speed.
The call is open for two weeks until mid-February. Applications are open worldwide to all types of non-profit research organisations, for-profit companies, international organisations and foundations, joint R&D ventures, government research organisations, and academic institutions ideally having a geographical footprint internationally.
Applicants should have large manufacturing capabilities for vaccine candidates and the organisation must be willing to transfer their vaccine platform to a global network of large-scale manufacturing.
In addition, proposals must be in keeping with our mission to enable equitable access to vaccines during infectious disease outbreaks to those who need them most; as such, technologies must be able to be delivered to individuals easily in an outbreak setting and should be at a cost of goods that does not preclude broad access.
How to apply
Ahead of applying, please read our Call text (available in English and Chinese zh-CN) for detailed information on:
-Objectives and the scope of this Call
-Applicant eligibility criteria
-Applicant guidelines and the review process
-Review criteria
-Award conditions
-Technical and administrative questions
Further information on how to apply and our application template is available on our website.
The deadline for applications is Friday 14 Feb 2020, 15:00 CET.
The reviewing of applications will be completed on a rolling basis therefore incoming proposals will be assessed immediately. Proposals that meet the eligibility criteria will be further evaluated against review criteria.
If you have any questions about this call, please email [email protected]
Image Caption and Credit: University of Queensland scientists are busy in the lab, as part of an international collaboration to develop a vaccine for the recent coronavirus outbreak