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photographers looking through cameras off somewhere in the distance

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Avian Influenza, H5N1 virus

CEPI steps up H5N1 preparedness as outbreak in cattle persists

An outbreak of H5N1 bird flu among cattle in the US is raising questions about whether this highly pathogenic virus could become a human threat.

Virus, Credit: Shutterstock

Apriori receives funding boost from CEPI to advance AI platform to protect against viral threats

Nipah viruses binding receptors on human cells

New human trials for novel antibody offer hope for immediate protection against deadly Nipah

three white circular icons on blue background

Latest experts appointed to join CEPI’s Scientific Advisory Committee

People working at a laboratory

International Bio Funders Compact to Integrate Biosecurity into Life Science Research Funding

historic image of red cross workers putting flu victim into cart
The Viral Most Wanted

The Orthomyxoviruses

Ebola virus

CEPI seeks to fund new innovations for broad protection against Ebola and other deadly Filoviruses

three red overlapping circles on blue background

CEPI statement in response to Pandemic Agreement negotiation extension

Gavi CEPI Signing Ceremony

CEPI and Gavi extend partnership to target future disease outbreaks

BN Vaccine

Bavarian Nordic and CEPI partner to advance Mpox vaccination in Africa

BioNTech mRNA-based vaccine manufacturing site in Kigali

BioNTech and CEPI expand partnership to strengthen Africa’s mRNA vaccine ecosystem

CEPI and Africa CDC signing MoU

Africa CDC and CEPI deepen partnership to fortify African preparedness against disease outbreaks

two people holding signed documents to camera

CEPI teams up with Korea’s pandemic agency to fight future disease outbreaks

Computer Lab Scene, Credit: Shutterstock

University of Oxford pandemic computer simulations to guide future vaccine trials

A health worker draws vaccine with a needle

Scientists to test if COVID-19 variant vaccine protects against other coronaviruses

closeup of new-born baby receiving oral medication
The Viral Most Wanted

The Retroviruses

Donald Grant leaning on a ledge looking out towards greenery
Impact story

From the pain of Ebola to the passion to fight Lassa

Blue filter image of researcher looking at rodent on laboratory desk
The Viral Most Wanted

The Hantaviruses

Simulation exercise at Munich Security Conference

Bringing the 100 Days Mission to global security leaders

CEPI Yellow Circles

Global Summit to bolster pandemic preparedness

historic image of Edward Jenner administering vaccine
The Viral Most Wanted

The Poxviruses

Dr. Bolaji (left) is the Nigeria-based HJFMRI principal investigator for the IAVI C105 Lassa fever vaccine clinical trial in Abuja, Nigeria. Credit: HJFRMI.

Participants in Nigeria vaccinated in first-ever Phase 2 Lassa fever vaccine clinical trial

CEPI logo

CEPI calls for experts to join its Scientific Advisory Committee

closeup of nurse in full PPE
The Viral Most Wanted

The Filoviruses

Spin freezing, Credit: Ghent University/RheaVita

New ‘spin freezing’ technique could enhance future mRNA vaccines

Credit: Imperial College London

Global consortium plans coordinated human challenge studies in hunt for transmission-blocking coronavirus vaccines

mRNA vaccines, Credit: Shutterstock

New research to investigate next generation ‘trans-amplifying’ mRNA vaccines

Lab technician prepares samples for Lassa fever testing in National Reference Laboratory of Nigerian CDC. Credit: FIND/Devy Emperador

Testing the tests: Scientists seek out best on-the-spot diagnostics for deadly Nipah and Lassa

Lab technicians

Plant-based ALiCE® technology could shave weeks off vaccine production

COVAX Facility_COVID19 vaccine

Regionalizing vaccine manufacturing: a path to equitable access


CEPI and PAHO collaborate to boost regional preparedness against diseases with epidemic or pandemic potential

zoomed in photo of a tick with a blue filter
The Viral Most Wanted

The Nairoviruses

Houston Methodist Research Institute building

Promising new ‘circRNA’ vaccines explored in CEPI-HMRI collaboration

Lines of vaccines on a conveyor belt in a manufacturing laboratory

Serum Institute of India joins CEPI global network to boost production of affordable outbreak vaccines

Disease X

DISEASE X - What it is, and what it is not

Moth chrysalis

Scientists explore how chrysalis-based ‘living bioreactors’ could accelerate new vaccine production

Person receiving a vaccine

CEPI partners with Lemonex to advance mRNA vaccine delivery against future pandemic threats

closeup historic poster of someone with chickenpoxs
The Viral Most Wanted

Matonaviruses and Togaviruses

0008_LSTM - MERS Clinicial Research Facility-7
End Pandemics

New partnership aims to advance vaccine against MERS coronavirus

End Pandemics

CEPI partners with Rwandan-US Akagera Medicines to improve the delivery and accessibility of mRNA vaccines


COVID-19 vaccinations shift to regular immunisation as COVAX draws to a close

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